Claude Brown Jr. (KA7BIF) came on the air in around 1975 as a Technician. In February 1991, the FCC dropped the 5 WPM Morse code requirement for new Technician licensees, and in 1994, it created a new class of Amateur Radio licenses called the Technician-Plus, also called Tech-Plus. This new license differed from the Technician license in that Tech-Plus licensees had passed the Morse Code test and had more operating privileges on HF bands in which Claude achieved around this time. Claude was involved in his local Club “Idaho Society of Radio Amateurs –Magic Valley” where he served as the manager from 1983 – 1984 for a local net held Tuesdays on frequencies 146.16/76 @ 0230.  The subject discussed was during these net meetings was Emergency preparedness and other purposes. He was also involved with the Emergency communications ARES and RACES. On the radio, there is a phonetic letter for Claude, “Kilo Alpha 7 Bravo India Foxtrot.” Some locally give him “Kilo Alpha 7 Big Idaho Fella.” Claude enjoys his Radio station. He can always be caught downstairs talking to new friends around the world. Claude loved his Gadgets and tinkering with things. One of his biggest accomplishments with a few other local friends was making contact with Space Shuttle Columbia (W5LFL). In April 2000 KA7BIF microphone went silent.


In 2015, Jeremy received his license, grabbed his grandfather's Callsign, and returned it to the air. I am a proud father of 5 kids. 4 Girls and 1 Boy, and I have been Married To his Beautiful wife, Cindy (KG7SIV). I stays busy with Work, Family, Amateur Radio, or with his local amateur radio club, In April 2018 I Upgrade his license to a General. Like my Grandfather, I also do ARES/RACES. I am the Twin Falls County ARRL Emergency Coordinator. One of my favorite amateur radio activities is Fox Hunting, and he holds a club hunt every other Month from the Spring to the Fall.